
Concorde Értékpapír Zrt. (Concorde Securities Ltd.) is Hungary’s leading independent company engaged in investment banking activities. It provides its clients with integrated financial services, including securities trading, research, corporate financing advisory, capital market transactions, wealth management and investment advisory. The operational management of the company is the responsibility of the CEO, while the owners/managers (who control one-third of the company through their shares and options) are in charge of its strategic governance. Concorde Securities Ltd. is a member of the Budapest, Frankfurt, Warsaw and Bucharest stock exchanges, as well as of the Hungarian Association of Investment Service Providers.

Operational philosophy

Concorde conducts its activities within a clearly delineated field of financial services, so its strategy is determined by the growth and development of the markets for those services and by the changing needs of its clients. As an integrated service provider, Concorde’s aim is to develop mutually reinforcing business lines and activities into a harmonious and organic whole. Accordingly, it refrains from engaging in business activities that are not part of its core competencies and that are incompatible with its philosophy, regardless of how profitable such activities may appear.

Concorde’s owners (other than its managers) are financial investors active in Hungary who play no part in the company’s operations. Thus, the firm has no multinational or domestic financial service provider interests behind it. Although this circumstance has a number of drawbacks, certain advantages flow from it too: we are completely self-reliant and our clients and other market players do business with us for no other reason than the quality and reliability of our services.

The Concorde team

In terms of its turnover – particularly when compared to traditional industrial, commercial and service entities – Concorde is a large enterprise. It requires well-developed mechanisms in order to operate reliably, efficiently and profitably. Yet, in terms of its staff numbers and its ‘product’, Concorde is a workshop made up of dedicated craftsmen practising their trade with a high level of expertise. Our clients do not find themselves confronted by mechanisms, but discuss their requirements and do business in person with our colleagues.

It is only through the total commitment and dedication of our staff that we are able to run our ‘workshop’ effectively and maintain its independence. Concorde is fully committed to its employees, helping them to develop their expertise and pursue ambitions in order to reach their full professional potential in order to enjoy the resulting esteem and financial recognition. At the same time, while respecting the freedom of the individual, our aim is to enhance the overall performance of the team. We need to be not only good soloists, but an orchestra of players performing together in harmony.

  • Other members of Concorde Group: